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The Strong Women Podcast

Episode 19: The Rooted Project

Today’s guests (yes there are 2 of them) are Helen West and Rosie Saunt from The Rooted Project.


rooted project


As dieticians Helen and Rosie are passionate about helping people to understand the difference between evidence-based nutritional advice and anecdotal advice given by unqualified sources.

They run incredible events and an online book club, and if you don’t follow them on Instagram I would highly recommend it as their posts are responsible and educational without being too confusing.

In this podcast we discuss some of the common myths around nutrition including who to trust, how to sift through the bullshit and how nutrition isn’t always black or white.

Rosie and Helen are two of the nicest people ever and their knowledge is inspiring. I hope you enjoy the podcast.


Rosie’s Favourite Books:
  • Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari (buy it here)
  • Eat Up by Ruby Tandoh (buy it here)
Where To Find Out More About The Rooted Project:
Find Out More About The Pilates PT Method Online HERE

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